Thursday, June 9, 2011

Jump for Joy 17

WOW, Hippie Steves Jam was definitely amazing. Even though me(small fry) and mikek didnt ride as much as everybody else (laughs) it was still an awesome time. The first day was a jam pretty much and everyone justrode for fun. The second day was the 3-man challenge. Grove Street Bicycles Crew, Grimaldo Duran, George D, Team LMNOP, MANGO!, and a few other people were killin it. Some highlights were everything Gary did, George D doin a massive downside double peg, and some dude flairing over somebody else hahahaha. It was a 4-way tie between TEAM WALLSTREET, Team Slut Puncher, Over30 crew, and Grove Street.
Although i dont really remember the best trick contest, i do recall seeing Gary trying footjam to barspin and whip to footjam whip, Lil Nick 360ing the box backwards to flat, and other dudes gettin crazy. I dont think anybody really won lol! Wellpeep these photos, and go to JF18!

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